Friday, November 21, 2014

‘Selfie Renditions’

‘Selfie Renditions’


Gregory V. Boulware


One of the rules of marketing is to promote goods, services, or ideas.
The marketing concept as we know it did not always exist. It has evolved over the years. The value created in the process is when marketing makes a good service available where the consumer wants it. The number one priority is to produce a good to keep up with demand. One definition of marketing is a group of interrelated activities designed to identify consumer needs and develop, distribute, promote, and price goods and services to satisfy these needs. Buying and selling, are activities that relay products to their intended users. Each consumer buys for his or her personal use or needs, while other parties must perform buying functions that lead up to the final sale.

Marketing has value to both businesses and consumers. The customer and the customer’s needs come first.

Tavis Smiley of ‘PBS’ boasted of ‘Self-Publication’ of all his books and media material. So it should be obvious that he is a proponent of self-publication. This practice allows the author true ‘authorship’ and ownership – ‘Sole Propriety’ of his or her material. Selfie Renditions are today’s norm for many authors and writers. The wide open free range of the Internet allows for such activity without the reigns of publishing house approval especially if you are of the so-called underprivileged section of the universe. People/Authors who are well-to-do have published their own materials almost forever without the approval of publishing professionals worldwide. “Starving Artists” are almost always seeking the backing of promoters, publishers, editors, and silent partners to market their wares in the quest for publicity and profitability.  

“Self-Promotion is essential to the self-published author as much as it is to conventional authors who are promoted by their publishers.”

 Many authors of yesteryear were basically self-published. They didn’t have a real choice in the matter. There wasn’t money to pay professional printers to publish and promote their messages. William Still and many other self-educated pioneers did “Selfies” to get the word out to the community. Many “Free-Press” operations were self-published authors and promoters in their own right. They got the word out without the generalization of professional printers, publishers, or promoters – they did it themselves. Many of these “Grass-Root” groups did have some equipment that aided in their publishing endeavors. Others simply relied on supporters who had the know-how. Either way, the word got out to the intended audiences – and they did it their way.

Within the world of information technology / computer science, the structures, formats, platforms, applications, hardware, and/or vendors are service oriented architecture based programming. The programming is designed to meet the needs and/or offer some type of business service. Be it entertainment, news media or query data. Information and the business of information apply. Technical skill sets include knowledge and ability to use, the process, practices, techniques, and tools of the specialty area of software/hardware expertise.

"You do not need to have a degree in IT or BI to be successful in IT, but you do need to have an interest and an aptitude for math and logic. In fact, many if not most of the people that I have worked with as application programmers, software engineers, database administrators and systems analyst do not have computer science degrees.

Many either minored in CS (like me), have degrees in engineering or life sciences. In most cases, opportunities are given based on skill level and not educational background."

Volume 2 of Technical and Career-Minded Data and Information for the Tech-Starved learning learner... Whereas, on the twenty-second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, a proclamation was issued by the President of the United States. “This is a command or instruction for everyone; in return for the greatest blessings and the greatest amount of the grace." The Census Bureau reported that 43.6 million people lived in and or below the poverty level – 14.3% is the latest recording. I believe it’s much worse than that. “The Great Recession is officially over!” Haven’t you heard the good news? The American populace is suffering in the worst financial crisis since the “Great Depression.” It’s simply amazing how someone or some entity is constantly trying to sell you and me something. This contribution is worth the while...A must have edition to your library. A timeless tool for the young and not so young - Man, Woman, and Computer!

"Hallow" contains several short stories of the occult, science fiction, English lit, and the macabre... "Demon's Throat" is a thriller that will take you to the edge of your seat with a twist that only a woman could love - maybe a man or two as well. This story has never before been seen or released anywhere else...

“They (the machines) were dependent on solar power. It was believed they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun.” “What is control?” “No one cares how it works, as long as it works!” The tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi were forced out of the Land of Israel around 70 AD. This was due to the Hebrew-Roman wars that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Black Hebrew Israelites. Primarily women, men, and children were slaughtered by an over powering Army of Roman soldiers and conscripts in their Empire domain. The remnant of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi fled primarily to West Africa to escape death and prosecution around 70 AD.

“So you’re telling me is all we needed is a ‘C-4’ pack and a couple of whirly-bird yahoos to dispose of this beast, is that right Mr. Agent?” Glenn wasn’t even looking at the man. He was looking at the hole and burn scene while his gazing glances took his focused view to the ledge above. The bomb exploded with a thunderous Earth trembling boom… The flash and whoosh of the after affect caused the gas cloud to evaporate. The heat from the blast cooked the pavement, the rocks, the foliage and trees, the air and everything in a circle of about fifty-five to sixty feet. The blast and burn was a perfect circumference – a perfect and complete circle. Albeit, the blast erupted and expired as planned by the security team, there was no target. It was utterly and completely gone. They couldn’t find anything, not one bone or hair sample.

A National Guard chopper swung in overhead. It carried a large satchel. The bag contained explosives…C-4 Plastique. The bomb was much like the one used on the ‘MOVE Compound.’ Move harassed and demonized an entire community in West Philadelphia. Prior to Osage Avenue, the city had a running gun battle with MOVE when the organization occupied a house and mini-fort in ‘Powelten Village,’ also in West Philly, not very far from Osage Avenue. A cop was killed and many of the MOVE members went to jail. The authorities blew up and burned an entire neighborhood, killing several men, women, and children in the offensive assault on the building the group occupied on Osage Avenue. The tragic incident occurred under the administration of a very well-liked mayor, a few decades ago. The order went out to “Blow His Ass to Smithereens!”

“Well Dr. Caldwell, what do you think is wrong?” “I’m not sure… I might need to do a more thorough investigation to the problem at hand.” “Doc, can you please tell me what the nature of the problem is…?” “I don’t know.” “But Doc, what do you know?” “The one thing that I do know is…I don’t know. Do you know how many people are willing to admit they don’t know something?” “No Doc, how many?” “I don’t know.”

Many people on the planet profess to know just about everything.

There are those who know it all. There are those who know absolutely nothing but boast to the contrary. Haven’t you met people who know everything about anything and everything about everybody? Sure you have… You’ve wished that they would shut the hell up and be quiet. You’ve wished for certain persons to go away or learn to shut their mouths before they speak… Even better still, just shut your mouth and don’t say anything at all to anybody. I want to learn something!


-Coming Soon-

This author was encouraged and influenced by many reputable artists and authors. But none so much as the ‘Self-Published’ afficianados. So if you are considering publishing an article or book, I would encourage you to do all the necessary research and practice along with a practical observance of others before you and publish, publish, and publish some more.

Conventional publishing as opposed to ‘SELFIES?’

You be the judge…

Now Go For It!


 Til Next Time…



 “Article Posting Sites”





Publishing, Writing, Authorship, Authors, Artists, Self-Publishing, Control, Editing, Reading, Books, Printing, Printers, Essays, Blogs, Stories, Fiction, Non-Fiction, School, Education, Text, Vocabulary, Vernacular, Speech, Freedom, Press, Newspapers, Library, Literary, Boulware, Contracts, Agreements, Policy, Posting, Articles, Magazines, Periodicals, Flyers, Leaflets, Announcements, On-Line, Internet


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